Meet Our Childminders

Our NANNY Champs have hands-on experience with

  • Feeding:

    • Breastfeeding/Formula Feeding: Providing proper nutrition for infants through breastfeeding or formula feeding via bottle.

    • Solid Foods:
      Preparing meals and snacks tailored to the specific age group, ensuring suitability and appropriateness.

  • Routine and Structure:

    • Implementing/Following daily schedules and routines

    • Promoting consistency in daily activities

    • Assist with transitioning between activities

  • Diapering:

    • Changing diapers regularly to maintain hygiene and prevent diaper rash.

  • Sleeping:

    • Establishing a consistent sleep routine.

    • Creating a safe sleeping environment, and checking in on baby regularly.

  • Hygiene:

    • Bathing: Giving regular baths appropriate to the child's age.

    • Oral Care: Cleaning gums and teeth as they emerge.

    • Nail Care: Trimming nails to prevent scratching.

  • Healthcare:

    • Monitoring and addressing any health concerns promptly.


  • Stimulation and Development:

    • Engaging in age-appropriate play and activities to promote cognitive, motor, and social development.

    • Reading to the child to encourage language development.

    • Tummy time.

  • Emotional Support:

    • Providing a nurturing and loving environment.

    • Responding to the child's emotional needs.

    • Communicating anything of concern to the child’s behavior.

  • Routine and Structure:

    • Establishing a consistent daily routine for meals, naps, and playtime.

  • Meals & snacks including:

    • Meal & Snack preparation that is suited and appropriate for the age group.

    • Feeding for age groups that require assistance with eating and drinking.

  • Light housekeeping, including

    • Ensure the baby/child area is neat.

    • Ensure all areas in use are hygienically clean thereafter.

  • Bottle Sterilization:

    • Ensuring that baby bottles are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, free from harmful bacteria, and safe for use.

    • Following the sanitized preference from the parent.

Above all, our nanny champs promise to respect the client and their possessions, as well as their right to make their own decisions and have their own beliefs and customs. Additionally, we now offer specialized care for new moms recovering from C-sections, known as "New Mom Care".