The Need for Postpartum Care


While there is plenty of wonderful support on offer for expecting mothers, there is undoubtedly a lack of resources available in South Africa for new mothers. There are various specialist services available after a parent is discharged from the postnatal ward, but there is a lack of practical in-home support on offer for new moms. The team at CareChamp is thrilled to offer just that to clients in Cape Town, Pretoria, Joburg, Durban and Port Elizabeth.

We consulted with Sr Kaghiso Makino, a registered nurse at Tshwane District Hospital’s maternity ward. Her observations confirmed our hunch that there are plenty of new mothers in need of physical and emotional support, especially after a difficult birth. While there are follow-up visits available, these largely focus on caring for the infant with little to no focus on the mother’s transition into parenthood.

While some mothers have a family member or in-home helper assisting them, having a qualified caregiver on hand enables you to receive the continuous professional support you need.

All our Champs are qualified in post-operative care and know just how to help you get where you need to be. We’re offering you someone to run you a bath or help you take a shower, prepare meals and look after your laundry while you recover physically and mentally from your baby’s birth. Get hands-on assistance with moving around and taking care of your everyday needs so that you can focus on recovering and bonding with your newborn.

Read more about the ins and outs of care for new moms.