CareChamp provides affordable, flexible frail care to families in South Africa.

Affordable frail care isn’t easy to come by, which has made the affordability offered by CareChamp for frail care, dementia care and disabled care a real gift to families taking care of a loved one at home.

CareChamp is committed to making it easier for elderly frail people to stay in the comfort of their own homes, rather than in a care facility.

Research has shown that healing and quality of life is enhanced for those who remain in their home, surrounded by all that’s familiar, than for people who are placed in frail care facilities.

The comfort it brings to anyone aging at home is immense, which also contributes to the psychological wellbeing of aging people who are dealing with disabilities, physical or mental.

Many normal day to day tasks become more difficult to manage alone for elderly frail people as time goes by, which is a challenging adjustment to make for people who were previously independent.

Even things like cooking, cleaning, bathing or managing a household in general, become nigh on impossible to carry out as illness and disability take a toll.

Having a caregiver available to assist with tasks aging frail people are no longer able to cope with is more valuable than the help itself, as the company a caregiver brings also plays a major role in helping clients to keep depression and anxiety at bay.

As things become more and more difficult, frustration, sadness and a sense of loss can be overwhelming for someone struggling with physical disabilities due to illness, or for those battling mental disabilities such as dementia.

Knowing that help is at hand can make a big difference to anyone having to come to terms with all these challenges, including the isolation that normally accompanies not being able to get out and about anymore.

What makes hiring a CareChamp caregiver affordable?

CareChamp understands that every care plan is unique, as is each budget, which is why if all you need is a helping hand a few hours a day, a few days a week or on weekends, CareChamp will assist you to set up a programme of care that will suit your budget and meet all the needs of your loved one.

Flexible care plans free you up when you need it most

Have holidays and weekends away become a thing of the past as a result of caring for an elderly frail or disabled parent at home?  If they have then CareChamp has the perfect solution for you.

Contact the management team to discuss the care your parent will need while you’re away, and get down to planning what may be a long-overdue break, knowing you have the peace of mind that your parent will be safe and well cared for in your absence.

Hiring a CareChamp caregiver is simplicity at its best! You can chat to the friendly team online, give them a call or fill in the online contact form, including all details necessary, to make booking the highest standard in caregiving completely stress-free.