6 reasons to consider hiring a homecare professional caregiver

There are many circumstances that contribute to the need to consider hiring a homecare professional caregiver, whether for yourself or to assist with caring for a frail, elderly or disabled loved one living at home.

The level of care is different with each person, as is the care plan that needs to be decided upon, which is why it’s worth looking at the six main reasons people hire caregivers.

Safety and security

The safety and security of your loved one is paramount if they are ill, frail, or struggling with a mental or physical disability on their own at home.

Knowing your loved one is in caring, professional and very capable hands takes a lot of pressure off for families working and leading active lives, while still trying to care for an elderly frail or disabled parent.

For the family of a parent living with Alzheimer’s it is nigh on impossible to leave them on their own safely, but it’s also important that you hire a caregiver with the knowledge and experience it takes to keep someone with Alzheimer’s safe and cared for at home.

Frail care training, knowledge and experience

It takes a highly trained caregiver to be able to think on their feet in order to react quickly and intuitively to changing circumstances, which is to be expected, especially if the person is living with a degenerative illness

Frail care or disabled care is a specialised field, and since frailties and disabilities differ, it’s the standard of training and level of experience that makes all the difference to the day to day life of a patient at home.

Respectful and confidential care

CareChamp caregivers have an innate respect for the beliefs, traditions and customs of every person they care for. They also afford their clients the same client confidentiality one would expect from a lawyer, which is great comfort when it comes to the challenge of bringing a stranger into your home.

The dignity of aging at home

The decline in the health of people placed in long term hospital care or in frail care facilities is far faster than it would in the comfort of their own home, surrounded by the things that have made up their lives.

The improvement in the health of elderly, frail and disabled people living at home is diametrically opposed to the decline that takes place when taken out of these familiar surroundings.  Age is a given, we know this, but aging in dignity?  That’s something our loved ones deserve when the roles become reversed!

Flexible homecare plans

Not every family needs a permanent caregiver. It may be that a caregiver is only needed a few hours a day or a week. They could assist on a weekend, or, should the family take a holiday, there’ll always be the right CareChamp caregiver to step in to lend a helping hand so that you can rest easy on your break.

Certified, fully vetted caregivers

CareChamp caregivers are all certified and highly trained. They are fully vetted with extensive background checks carried out by the management team, which also include police and health certificates. This is the extent to which CareChamp goes to ensure that no client of theirs will ever be put at risk in any way.

Please contact CareChamp today to find out more about their extensive list of home nursing services in South Africa.