Social isolation in elders living at home can be alleviated through companionship

When an active life is left behind, the car keys given up and social activities curtailed due to frailty or disability, being isolated becomes a very real experience that can be difficult to rise above alone.

If illness, frailty or disability is also making it difficult for your elderly loved one to cope with what were once easy, everyday tasks, on top of the isolation, it is could well lead down the slippery slope into depression.

CareChamp has put a lot of thought into what those who are aging at home or with family experience. They’ve approached this on both a physical and psychological level, the result of which is that they provide our elders with exceptionally well trained caregivers, as well as making available compassionate and caring companions to elders who are housebound.

By the time we reach a certain age, we’re not too inclined towards forming new friendships, especially when we begin losing lifelong friends as we outlive them.

CareChamp Companions are in general professionals who have retired, often from caring professions, and, they still want to be able to add value to the lives of others, especially our elders who are isolated.

The companion you choose to spend a few hours a week with your loved one will make a positive impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of your parent, which in turn reflects in a positive mind-set that adds to his or her quality of life.

Knowing that your parent has the company of someone who really cares motivating them to keep up with activities they’ve always enjoyed, even if it’s a simple game of cards or a more mentally stimulating chess game, will also have a positive impact on the relationship you hold dear with mom or dad.

Since all CareChamp companions have their own vehicles, your parent will be able to get to social engagements that may still be standing with friends, such as meeting for coffee or heading for a game of bowls.

Even something as simple as getting to a doctor’s appointment may be difficult for you to arrange if you’re working, in which case your CareChamp companion will be on hand to get your parent to these appointments safely.

These very special people are more than just companions, they also make sure that your parent is safe at home, and that accident prevention is a top priority.

CareChamp Companions respect and are sensitive about the right of every person to exercise their own beliefs and customs without interference, and to build the kind of trust that gives your parent the gift of complete confidentiality we all need at times.

Contact the management team at CareChamp to find out more about how much value a caring Companion can add to quality of life for your elderly frail or disabled parent living at home.

If you’re not sure about whether a caregiver or companion would be the right choice for your loved one, please don’t hesitate to contact this team with all your questions.