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Enjoy all the benefits of physiotherapy in the comfort of your home

Physiotherapy not only assists with recovery sustained through injuries, it also acts as a great way to prevent possible injuries and to improve mobility in elders, which in its turn also helps to prevent injuries from being worse than they otherwise would be.

As we age, our bones become more and more brittle, which means that something as simple as a sprained ankle can become a far larger issue that requires an extensive recovery period.

For those living with a degenerative issue or disease such as arthritis, osteoporosis and Parkinson’s, physiotherapy is a real boon that improves more than the physical symptoms, but also helps to improve quality of life, despite injuries or diseases.

Let’s look at some of the conditions made easier through physiotherapy:

Arthritis and Osteoporosis

While arthritis and osteoporosis differs from person to person, the issue of perpetual pain is different for each but very real for all sufferers.  Something as simple as opening a jar of olives can be virtually impossible for someone with arthritis or osteoporosis to do, and unfortunately, it only gets worse as time goes by. 

Most people suffering through the effects of arthritis on daily life come to rely on pills such as anti-inflammatories and those for maintaining bone structure, but these aren’t what will help in the long run.

Heat packs, swimming, ice packs and other mobility exercises are also part of living with arthritis, however, the benefit of physiotherapy cannot be overstated when used in conjunction with medication and the above measures.

Physiotherapy for aging people, elderly frail people and those with disabilities, is aimed at strengthening muscles, improving balance and coordination in order to avoid falls and damage to bones, which is of paramount importance as we age.


In the case where someone has had a stroke, physiotherapy, in the simplest of terms, can be used to strengthen the weaker or paralysed limbs by restraining the good ones and making the other do the work.


Strength and flexibility is increased in those living with Parkinson’s, especially if started before the robotic movements of stage 4 set in.  This physiotherapy would be aimed at strengthening the trunk of the body and keeping it flexible.

There are many issues and illnesses that are prevalent among aging and frail people, all of which can be managed or prevented and treated through the use of physiotherapy, but they’re too numerous to get into here.

Physiotherapy and mental health

Exercise, in conjunction with physiotherapy, contributes greatly to the mental health of elders who have to adjust to major changes in their lives, such as having to give up their home and to change their lifestyle to suit new physical limitations.

Add to these the fact that many aging and elderly frail people live in the perpetual limbo of pain to varying degrees, and you’ve got the perfect circumstance that can lead to depression and increasing anxiety.

Healthy endorphins are released during exercises planned by a physiotherapist, which is exactly what’s needed to retain a positive mind-set.

Contact CareChamp for more information about their partners and their holistic approach towards assisting elders to age at home, or with family.

In addition to their partners who bring physiotherapy into the comfort of your own home, CareChamp also partners with Beauty Therapy in the comfort of home by beauty therapist Bianca, as well as with Active Aging and Exercise with Silver Fit.