
Date Of Birth: July 21, 1990

City: Delft, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Puzzles, reading & cooking

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

“I am dedicated, passionate, reliable, and disciplined. There's nothing quite like witnessing the sheer delight on a child's face as they spell their name for the first time, a milestone you helped them achieve. During the formative years of life, children absorb an incredible amount of knowledge. I chose this career because it allows me to witness firsthand all of these transformative moments, and I am confident in my ability to make a difference.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”The typical roles and responsibilities of a childcare provider involve ensuring the safety of children under their supervision, crafting engaging and educational activities, and maintaining accurate records of children's developmental progress, routines, and interests.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”Working with children is enjoyable because no two days are alike, and they inspire me to continually strive to be a better person.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2024.”