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The emotional & psychological cost of taking care of a loved one living with dementia is very high!

Having taken the time to speak to family members who opened up about just how tough it is to care for a loved one who is disabled, whether physically or mentally, as in the case of dementia, showed that irrespective of whether they had the patience of a saint or not, the cost is high, taxing everything from mental, emotional and physical reserves to a great extent.

Most of these people have been taking care of elderly frail loved ones who are losing more and more of who they used to be on a daily basis, which in itself is a frightening experience.  The mother or father who loved them and brought them up slips away, leaving only memories of what they used to be like and who they really are beneath the illness, which makes anyone feel utterly helpless.

Frustration was a prevalent emotion shared by many in this caregiving role, and, the fallout from the moments when frustration boils over into anger that is expressed creates a deep sense of guilt, yet, it is one of the most natural reactions to situations like this in which any individual feels completely lost, overwhelmed and out of their depth in an unfamiliar landscape they are ill-equipped to deal with.

Many caregivers in this situation start suffering symptoms of anxiety and depression, all of which can also lead to a situation where the most loving of caregivers will start withdrawing from friends and normal activities, making the situation even more difficult to cope with.

Moments of lucidity feel like a mini reprieve for family members who are sole caregivers of an elderly frail loved one living with dementia or Alzheimer’s, however, these moments are so fleeting that it is heart-breaking.

The frustration and anger that affects many family members taking care of an aging loved one whose behaviour deteriorates rapidly, resulting in stubbornness, anger, lashing out and sometimes downright nastiness, which are all a manifestation of symptoms associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s, can be incredibly challenging to deal with without any support.

Even being sole caregiver of an elderly frail loved one who has lost all independence and now has to rely on others to do the things they were always able to do for themselves, can turn into a constant battleground as they fight the reality of all they have lost.

Most families cannot afford the exorbitant costs of frail care facilities, and the majority would prefer to have their loved ones under their own roof anyway, which is why CareChamp has made it easy for any family member who is taking on too much alone and sacrificing their own wellbeing to have a team of caregivers they can rely on to take some of the pressure off, with flexible schedules that allow caregivers to get the helping hand they deserve.

Just a few hours a day a few days a week can make all the difference to any family member managing the caregiving role alone, giving them precious time to take a breath and to recharge their spirits, to catch up on things that have been put off while trying to cope, and even to keep contact with friends and family to shore up reserves for the next round of caring!

Everything you need to know about the trusted, exceptionally high quality of home care offered by the caregivers and companions who are members of the CareChamp portfolio is available on their website, where you will be able to find out exactly why so many clients have absolute peace of mind when leaving a loved one in the care of a really special CareChamp caregiver!