The most exceptional home care in South Africa starts with CareChamp


It is not uncommon to start worrying immediately when you or a loved one forgets a name, where you left your keys or any one of the other hundreds of things we can forget momentarily, which inevitably triggers concerns about Alzheimer’s in our senior years.

CareChamp understands that it is difficult to tell the difference between the beginning of something as serious as Alzheimers or a simple ‘senior moment’, which is something we all in truth experience to some degree as we get older, but if does come down to the diagnosis, the right kind help is at hand which will allow you to stay in the familiarity and security of your own home, or to assist you with taking care of a loved one in your home.

If you or your loved one is blessed enough with an early diagnosis, the benefits of which cannot be stressed enough, then the preparation process of finding the most caring, honest, attentive and mindful certified health care assistant should start at CareChamp.  CareChamp fosters a pioneering spirit among their certified health care assistants involved in Dementia Care at home, creating an environment where Champs receive ongoing training with a watchful eye kept on any of the latest developments that would make Dementia Care truly extraordinary.

It is critical that you or your loved one receive the best home care possible with the onset of Dementia and Alzheimer’s in order to ensure that not only are all safety issues in the home attended to by a CareChamp home caregiver, but that your chosen caregiver will have the right training and personality to bring out the best in the challenges brought by these diseases.

With registered nurses in their portfolio who are able to assist with the initial assessment and to develop a care plan to cater to individual clients, you or your loved one will be in the best hands possible, in the safety of your own home.

Please visit the CareChamp website for in-depth details about the wide range of home care services these exceptional home care assistants are able to provide!