Communication Tips - Alzheimer's


Communication Tips - Alzheimer's 

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive form of dementia,in which sufferers experience memory issues that begin and gradually worsen.Alzheimer's include anxiety, mental delusions, loss of function and sleep difficulties.

 5 Tips for Better       Communication 

Alzheimer's disease and other dementias gradually diminish a persons's ability to communicate.Requires patients, understanding and listening skills, can cause major frustration for everyone. If your loved one has Alzheimer's, you would want to make changes in how, when, and where you speak.

1. Families and friends should start accepting that they have a loved one battling with dementia.Be patient and supportive

2. Offer reassurance  and comfort also remembering to stay calm, avoid feeling frustration or anger which could make the situation worse 

3. Be calm and speak in  a clear voice, avoid criticizing and correcting. Repeat what was said and try to help clarify the thought

4. Find a place that is quiet the surroundings should support the persons ability to focus on their thoughts  with no distractions (If you’re trying to have an important conversation )
            • Reduce outside noise.
            • Move to surroundings that make them feel comfortable.

5. Encourage unspoken communication . If you do not understand what the person is referring to point or gesture.Focus on feelings and not facts the emotions being expressed are sometimes more important than then what is being said. Be  patient and a good listener. At times tone of voice and other actions may provide clues.


“Caregiving is a demanding job — and going for a breather is absolutely normal, it does  not make you inconsiderate. Keep that in mind despite of your loved one living with Alzheimer's.